Female Base Mesh A [OzzO]
OzzO 3D Model License
The Model
Upon purchase you will receive one High Poly female body mesh with additional meshes attached to it (eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, eyeballs). These assets will hereinafter be referred to as "the Model".
Terms of Use
- No restrictions on content ratings, but Oss Designs and OzzO are not liable for any issues resulting from the use of the Model.
- Do not use the Model for slandering individuals/groups or for political/religious activities.
- The Model is provided "as is". Oss Designs and OzzO are not responsible for any financial or mechanical issues arising from its use. Use at your own risk.
- Terms are subject to change. Continued use implies acceptance of revised terms.
Personal Use:
- The Model cannot be redistributed, given, or shared in any state.
- The Model cannot be used in any commercial capacity unless significantly modified.
Commercial Use:
- The Model cannot be redistributed, given, or shared in an original or almost original state.
- You cannot sell any version or edit of this Model for less than €9.99 EUR.
- The Model can be redistributed, given, or shared if significant edits have been made.
- You can make your own paid products with the Model, or use it in games, videos, or streams as long as it has been significantly modified.
- You can forbid reselling or distribution of your products containing this Model.
- Your customers can sell their own creations containing this Model if they have also bought the commercial license.
Please credit this original Model in the description or credits.
All required fields must be filled out correctly for the license to be valid. Downloads will be disabled if fields are incorrect. No refunds.
By using this Model in any way, you agree to these terms. Legal action can be taken if these terms are breached.
Female Base Mesh A
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